Women Trousers

{{ pagination.totalResults }} {{ count }} products
{% assign facet = facets | where: 'type', 'hierarchy' | first %} {% if facet.values.size > 0 or facet.type == 'slider'%}
{{ facet.label }}
{% if facet.type == "grid" %}
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{% for value in facet.values %} {% endfor %}
{% elsif facet.type == 'slider' %} {% if facet.field contains 'price' %}
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{% else %}
{% for value in facet.values %}
{% if facet.field == 'ss_all_prices' %} {% else %} {% endif %}
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{% endif %}

Women Trousers

{{ pagination.totalResults }} {{ count }} products
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Women's trousers

Our collection of women's trousers, including women's skate trousers, offers you unparalleled style, combining comfort and flexibility throughout the day. Be elegant whatever you do! Also discover our collection of women's trousers designed with Repreve® recycled fibres. These fibres are made from recycled materials such as plastic bottles. Their manufacture avoids the use of new resources and emits less greenhouse gases. Take your pick according to the fit and size, and don't forget to check out our collections, designed in partnership with artists in the pure spirit of the Volcom brand!